Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Brave Moms Make Brave Kids

 Jack and I in Venice (Sept 2013)

It's been two months since I last blogged.  What have I been doing?  I spent 2 weeks parading around Europe and returned home to catch and recover from the flu.  Then, I visited family in the Ohio Valley and most recently had the pleasure of attending Momcon, a convention for members of the faith based group, MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers).

I'm not sure what the proper blogging protocol is.  Do I go back and talk about these great experiences or move forward?  Today I move forward. 

When I moved to Minnesota I joined a local moms group called MOPS.  It stands for Mothers of Preschoolers but it is for any woman who is the mother of a child ages 0 to 5 years old.  MOPS has been a great way for me to meet new people and share stories with others who are also going through this crazy roller coaster called mothering.  Last winter it was a lifesaver for me and one of the only times that I got out of the house during the week.  At the end of the summer I was contacted by the steering committee and asked to fill the role of Publicity Coordinator.  I was happy to join steering and I feel blessed that I was also able to attend MOMcon last weekend. 

Our New Ulm MOPS crew at MOMcon

A highlight for me from MOMCon is something that speaker Jen Hatmaker said, "Brave moms make brave kids."  She also said that "we need to parent diligently but not fearfully because fear can make an already hard job of mothering harder still."  I think that so much if being a mom today can involve worrying about everything in our children's lives.  We spend much time trying to make our children feel safe and comfortable but we forget that we don't want them to grow up to be safe and comfortable, we want them to grow up to be BRAVE, to go forth in God's power and not be scared to make a difference in the world!

So I'm not going to worry so much for my kids anymore.  But I am going to show them how I am not afraid because fear hold us back and I am all about moving forward.

New Goals:
1. PLAY one new song every week.
2. CREATE one new art project every week
3. EXERCISE 6 times a week
4. LEARN something new about myself by reading personal development and devotional books daily
5. PRACTICE everyday to be a better person and set a good example to my children

As it turns out there was a MOPS meeting this morning but the kids and I woke up sick so we stayed home and learned this new song instead.  We are in love with the album "Good Morning my Love" by Vered.  Here am I singing the song "Sunday."  Like I said, I'm sick, so my voice is scratchy and it has been so long since I played guitar that I no longer have calluses on my fingers.  But, oh well!  I can only get better and I have to start somewhere. 
Check out our MOPS- New Ulm Facebook page and click "like" to get updates about events and meetings.