Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Family Time and Bird Poop

I hope that you had a fantastic Memorial Holiday.  I woke up on Monday feeling better than I have in a long time.  I felt like so many things were going my way.  I am over the moon excited about the great group of people who have committed to workout with me and change their life for the better.  Being in my test group is a great way for everyone to stay focused and motivated while working toward their fitness goals.  It makes me feel happy to know that my friends and family want to get healthier together.

For Memorial day, my family and I hopped into our little Honda Fit and decided to take a drive to a nearby town of St. Peter MN.  We loaded up all of the kid related items like diapers, toys and snacks.  Jack grabbed bananas, almonds, Luna bars and bottles of water.  He came to the car with his hands full and said "We need to be food carriers Kels."  He's right,  always have healthy snacks around so that we are less temped to stop for fast food or a bag of chips.

After the quick stop to the Food Co-op in St. Peter, where Jack and I maneuvered  our two carts each with a child through the tight aisles, we took a drive around Gustavus Adolphus College.  It was my first time at the beautiful campus on the hilltop looking over the town and the Minnesota river valley in Le Sueur county.  It even have a nice arboretum to enjoy.

It was time to nurse baby Edie so we went to a nearby park so that I could find a quiet place to sit.  When I went to return Edie to her car seat I stood up and felt something hit my head.  I thought "Oh no it's starting to rain!"  But oh was I wrong.  It turned out to be bird poop!!!!  Yuck!  I handed Edie to Jack and rushed to the bathroom where I had to wash my hair out in the sink.  I was having such a nice day leading up to the bird dropping. Despite the gross experience, I was still feeling good and in positive spirits.  I laughed it off and said "oh well, nothing can ruin my day!"

Here is my husband Jack keeping John from climbing into the turtle tank
when we made a stop at the pet store.

But my patience continued to be tested when we went to the pet store and later went to dinner at a new restaurant called Axel's Bonfire.  After two hectic diaper changes, Edie didn't want me to sit her down and John was refusing the highchair.  When our food arrived I had the Shrimp Guac Stack which was a guacamole dip with shrimp that came with tortilla chips.  John wanted to run around to restaurant and the only thing that would keep him happy was eating tortilla chips dipped in ketchup!!!  Yeah I know, It isn't healthy.  But at that point I was happy he was eating anything.  Jack and I were so busy with the kids we couldn't eat and had them box it up for us to have later.  Edie cried and resisted being put back into the car seat carrier by locking her legs tight.  I finally got her strapped in and many people sent me dagger stares as I picked her up and headed for the exit door.  I just smiled back but inside I was thinking "give me a break!"                                           

John in his car seat fighting off sleep.
When the kids act like that it can be emotionally draining.  I went from feeling on cloud nine to feeling defeated (cloud zero??).  The kids were still upset and wailing in the car on the drive back to New Ulm.  Just as they quieted down and started to doze off I got a phone call.  It was from our new babysitter I said "Hi there, what can I do for you?" and she said "ummm.... Mrs. Schott are you going to pick me up?"  Whoops!  I made plans to have the babysitter come that night and completely forgot.  I apologized, decided that I definitely needed a break and picked her up anyway even though it was getting late. 

It was our first time with the new babysitter so I gave her the run down of what to do as fast as I could and then Jack looked at me and said "quick lets get out of here." 

We went for a stroll at one of the great parks in New Ulm.  My spirits were returning to normal and we decided to go to Applebee's since we basically missed out of dinner earlier.  After the meal I paid for the check using my credit card.  I used this time to organize the cash that I planed to give to the babysitter. 

When we pulled back into the garage I said to Jack "so you have that money for the babysitter right?" and he gave me that "are you crazy?" look and said "No I gave it to you!."  Whoops again!  I left it on the table at Applebee's.  I had to go back and get the money.  Thankfully, New Ulm is such a nice town with honest people that it was easy get the money back.  I passed it over to the babysitter who I am sure must think I am a frazzled mess.  I just hope she wants to continue watching the kids for me because she was a great help. 

Some days are like that I suppose.  I can't quite say why I can be so forgetful one day and on-top of things another.  But we all have days like this and it's on those days that you think "well I can skip my workout" or "I just can't handle this."  My test groupers have committed to exercise 6 times a week for the next 60 days and will post comments and onto a private Facebook group with myself and others who are going through the same experiences. Having others to share and relate your struggles will be beneficial for those times when you just want to give up.

If you missed out on signing up for my first test group I will have another one beginning June 17th.  If you are serious about losing weight I can help you.  If I can do it you can do it!

E-mail me to join my next challenge group. 

Get FREE Nutrition and fitness advice.  Sign up to have me as your free coach.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

DIY Fire Starter

Camping season is finally here!  This year we purchased a new to us pop-up camper.  I think that is will be perfect for us.  Now the kids will have a home away from home that they can become accustomed to which I hope will make for easier bed times. 

Two weeks ago we hitched up the trailer, packed our picnic basket and loaded up the car with camping gear.  We moved the camper a whopping 5 miles over to Flandrau State Park.  It's located in our town of New Ulm, MN and we thought it would be a good place to test it out.  Despite the 25 minutes of going-to-sleep crying, which I am sure the entire campground could hear, the kids managed to fall asleep before it got too late. 

After that it was time for my favorite part about camping, relaxing by the fire.  The firewood purchased from the park was a little moist and the fire wasn't starting as quickly as we had hoped.  Our camper neighbor stopped by and gave us one of his homemade fire starters, an empty toilet paper roll filled with dryer lint and dipped in wax.  It did the trick!

I am always excited to find a new way to upcycle my trash and I was thrilled to have a reason to use the dryer lint that I had been saving for no apparent reason.  (Really, the hoarding/creative tendencies in me just happened to have the supplies needed for this on hand) 

DIY Fire Starters

-Toilet paper rolls or paper towel rolls cut in half.
-Dryer Lint or scraps of fabric
-Wax from old candles
-Wax paper to protect your surface.

Stuff the toilet paper rolls tightly with lint.   I was surprised by how much lint would fit into the rolls. I ended up needing more so I used an old pair of socks too.  Then you dip into melted wax.  I had a candle warmer and an old candle that was given to me as a bridal shower gift over 5 years ago.  The Candle doesn't even have any scent left but I held onto it because I had a feeling I would find a use for it some day.  Voila!! This was my chance!  The candle warmer worked perfectly too.  Otherwise you can collect the left over scraps of wax from your old candles and melt them together in a double boiler on your stove.  Dip one side of the rolls then flip and dip the other.  Once the wax was cool to the touch, I dipped them a second time then let them sit on the wax paper for 2 hours to harden completely.  Store them in a plastic bag so the wax does not ruin any of your other camping equipment.

Lint from my dryer.
Stuff the toilet paper rolls tight.

Heat up the wax.

Dip in halfway

Let it cool, then flip and dip the other side.

Finished product.  I think it looks like TNT from Wiley coyote cartoons.
What does your family use as a fire starter?

Monday, May 20, 2013

Schell's Lager Lauf - Finishing The Insanity Challenge with a Bang!


This years t-shirt design
I spent the last 60 days doing the popular Beachbody program Insanity.  (I will post pictures of my results soon)  My final day coincided with the 2nd Annual Lager Lauf 6pacK and 12pacK (6K &12K) Run.  I couldn't think of a better way to finish the program and test my fitness ability. 

John & Edie are ready in their jogging strollers.
The August Schell Brewing Company is the second oldest family owned brewery in America and is located in my town of New Ulm, Minnesota.  The start and finish line was at the scenic brewery which sits along the Cottonwood River.  Instead of your typical community race that is usually 5 or 10 kilometers long and may provide cups of water, this one is cleverly 6 or 12 kilometers long and offers beer stops to quench your thirst.  At the end of the race there was a band, beers and bratwursts for the runners and spectators to enjoy. 
Edie & I at the beautiful Schell's Brewery.
I took part in the festivities last year with a giant 5 month pregnant belly while pushing my 13 month old son in the jogging stroller.  This year, I borrowed an extra jogging stroller from a friend so that my husband Jack could push our son John in the 12k while I pushed our daughter Edie in the 6k. 
Jack & John finish the 12K
The race started with the bang of a cannon but the kids didn't seem to mind.  I was slow getting started because there were many walking participants and it wasn't easy navigating the stroller around them.  Before we reached to the end of the brewery road baby Edie was fast asleep.  I huffed and puffed my way up Payne Street hill (aptly named, right!) without her even realizing.  It wasn't until I made it back to the brewery road that she started to stir as I took off in a sprint for the finish line.  Edie and I waited there for Jack and John to finish the 12k strong.  Jack said that John chanted his new favorite phrase, "There he goes," to people along the way.  
John with his sippy cup after the race.
I was really looking forward to this years race and I am happy to say my time improved by 17 minutes.  I thought I would partake in the beer tasting but I just couldn't bring myself to drink their pilsner during the race.  Maybe it was Shawn T.'s voice in my head saying "water people, you need water!" 
Insanity may not be the proper training for a foot race but it was just what I needed to get in shape fast and be ready for the summer.  Go to my beachbody website click on join to get a free membership.  Message me if you would like to join my next challenge group.
Insanity/Lager Lauf 6k finisher!!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

A New Adventure

It has been a long winter.  In my first year living in the great state of Minnesota I have experienced many changes, met friends and discovered fun places.  It isn't always easy being home with two little ones but we fill our days with fun projects and stay active with a healthy lifestyle.   Spring has finally come and with it many new ideas have emerged.  I decided to write it all down and keep you posted.