Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Family Time and Bird Poop

I hope that you had a fantastic Memorial Holiday.  I woke up on Monday feeling better than I have in a long time.  I felt like so many things were going my way.  I am over the moon excited about the great group of people who have committed to workout with me and change their life for the better.  Being in my test group is a great way for everyone to stay focused and motivated while working toward their fitness goals.  It makes me feel happy to know that my friends and family want to get healthier together.

For Memorial day, my family and I hopped into our little Honda Fit and decided to take a drive to a nearby town of St. Peter MN.  We loaded up all of the kid related items like diapers, toys and snacks.  Jack grabbed bananas, almonds, Luna bars and bottles of water.  He came to the car with his hands full and said "We need to be food carriers Kels."  He's right,  always have healthy snacks around so that we are less temped to stop for fast food or a bag of chips.

After the quick stop to the Food Co-op in St. Peter, where Jack and I maneuvered  our two carts each with a child through the tight aisles, we took a drive around Gustavus Adolphus College.  It was my first time at the beautiful campus on the hilltop looking over the town and the Minnesota river valley in Le Sueur county.  It even have a nice arboretum to enjoy.

It was time to nurse baby Edie so we went to a nearby park so that I could find a quiet place to sit.  When I went to return Edie to her car seat I stood up and felt something hit my head.  I thought "Oh no it's starting to rain!"  But oh was I wrong.  It turned out to be bird poop!!!!  Yuck!  I handed Edie to Jack and rushed to the bathroom where I had to wash my hair out in the sink.  I was having such a nice day leading up to the bird dropping. Despite the gross experience, I was still feeling good and in positive spirits.  I laughed it off and said "oh well, nothing can ruin my day!"

Here is my husband Jack keeping John from climbing into the turtle tank
when we made a stop at the pet store.

But my patience continued to be tested when we went to the pet store and later went to dinner at a new restaurant called Axel's Bonfire.  After two hectic diaper changes, Edie didn't want me to sit her down and John was refusing the highchair.  When our food arrived I had the Shrimp Guac Stack which was a guacamole dip with shrimp that came with tortilla chips.  John wanted to run around to restaurant and the only thing that would keep him happy was eating tortilla chips dipped in ketchup!!!  Yeah I know, It isn't healthy.  But at that point I was happy he was eating anything.  Jack and I were so busy with the kids we couldn't eat and had them box it up for us to have later.  Edie cried and resisted being put back into the car seat carrier by locking her legs tight.  I finally got her strapped in and many people sent me dagger stares as I picked her up and headed for the exit door.  I just smiled back but inside I was thinking "give me a break!"                                           

John in his car seat fighting off sleep.
When the kids act like that it can be emotionally draining.  I went from feeling on cloud nine to feeling defeated (cloud zero??).  The kids were still upset and wailing in the car on the drive back to New Ulm.  Just as they quieted down and started to doze off I got a phone call.  It was from our new babysitter I said "Hi there, what can I do for you?" and she said "ummm.... Mrs. Schott are you going to pick me up?"  Whoops!  I made plans to have the babysitter come that night and completely forgot.  I apologized, decided that I definitely needed a break and picked her up anyway even though it was getting late. 

It was our first time with the new babysitter so I gave her the run down of what to do as fast as I could and then Jack looked at me and said "quick lets get out of here." 

We went for a stroll at one of the great parks in New Ulm.  My spirits were returning to normal and we decided to go to Applebee's since we basically missed out of dinner earlier.  After the meal I paid for the check using my credit card.  I used this time to organize the cash that I planed to give to the babysitter. 

When we pulled back into the garage I said to Jack "so you have that money for the babysitter right?" and he gave me that "are you crazy?" look and said "No I gave it to you!."  Whoops again!  I left it on the table at Applebee's.  I had to go back and get the money.  Thankfully, New Ulm is such a nice town with honest people that it was easy get the money back.  I passed it over to the babysitter who I am sure must think I am a frazzled mess.  I just hope she wants to continue watching the kids for me because she was a great help. 

Some days are like that I suppose.  I can't quite say why I can be so forgetful one day and on-top of things another.  But we all have days like this and it's on those days that you think "well I can skip my workout" or "I just can't handle this."  My test groupers have committed to exercise 6 times a week for the next 60 days and will post comments and onto a private Facebook group with myself and others who are going through the same experiences. Having others to share and relate your struggles will be beneficial for those times when you just want to give up.

If you missed out on signing up for my first test group I will have another one beginning June 17th.  If you are serious about losing weight I can help you.  If I can do it you can do it!

E-mail me to join my next challenge group. 

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