Monday, May 20, 2013

Schell's Lager Lauf - Finishing The Insanity Challenge with a Bang!


This years t-shirt design
I spent the last 60 days doing the popular Beachbody program Insanity.  (I will post pictures of my results soon)  My final day coincided with the 2nd Annual Lager Lauf 6pacK and 12pacK (6K &12K) Run.  I couldn't think of a better way to finish the program and test my fitness ability. 

John & Edie are ready in their jogging strollers.
The August Schell Brewing Company is the second oldest family owned brewery in America and is located in my town of New Ulm, Minnesota.  The start and finish line was at the scenic brewery which sits along the Cottonwood River.  Instead of your typical community race that is usually 5 or 10 kilometers long and may provide cups of water, this one is cleverly 6 or 12 kilometers long and offers beer stops to quench your thirst.  At the end of the race there was a band, beers and bratwursts for the runners and spectators to enjoy. 
Edie & I at the beautiful Schell's Brewery.
I took part in the festivities last year with a giant 5 month pregnant belly while pushing my 13 month old son in the jogging stroller.  This year, I borrowed an extra jogging stroller from a friend so that my husband Jack could push our son John in the 12k while I pushed our daughter Edie in the 6k. 
Jack & John finish the 12K
The race started with the bang of a cannon but the kids didn't seem to mind.  I was slow getting started because there were many walking participants and it wasn't easy navigating the stroller around them.  Before we reached to the end of the brewery road baby Edie was fast asleep.  I huffed and puffed my way up Payne Street hill (aptly named, right!) without her even realizing.  It wasn't until I made it back to the brewery road that she started to stir as I took off in a sprint for the finish line.  Edie and I waited there for Jack and John to finish the 12k strong.  Jack said that John chanted his new favorite phrase, "There he goes," to people along the way.  
John with his sippy cup after the race.
I was really looking forward to this years race and I am happy to say my time improved by 17 minutes.  I thought I would partake in the beer tasting but I just couldn't bring myself to drink their pilsner during the race.  Maybe it was Shawn T.'s voice in my head saying "water people, you need water!" 
Insanity may not be the proper training for a foot race but it was just what I needed to get in shape fast and be ready for the summer.  Go to my beachbody website click on join to get a free membership.  Message me if you would like to join my next challenge group.
Insanity/Lager Lauf 6k finisher!!

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