Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Just use the Potty Already!!

Super cute turtle undies

In our neighborhood the houses are cozy together with young trees in the landscaping.  During the day I leave my blinds completely open to let in the sunlight.   But if you care to look I'm sure you can see right in.  There is no doubt in my mind that the neighbors get a clear shot of my son John, naked as a jaybird, sitting in his booster seat eating his cherrios.

It was a tough day for me.  John, who I fear may be eons away from being potty trained, refuses to wear a diaper or underwear ...or really any article of clothing.  About 50% of the time I manage to keep him in a pair of underwear.  But that's where he draws the line.  At this point I don't even care about how he is naked.  I have lost all energy for repeatedly wrestling to redress him.  I used to worry about what the neighbors would think but not anymore. 

Usually I am more optimistic and I relish the successes that we have had on the potty.  It hasn't been too much of a hassle before.  Since he was 15 months old I would sit him on his little potty, make a "psss psss" sound and he would go on command.  Some days John can go the entire day without an accident and even wake up dry from a nap.  We have a cute chart with stars that he loves, he gets to eat a gummy bear if he uses the potty and we sing a couple super cute potty songs including my current favorite which is sung to the tune of "If Your Happy and You Know It."  (I love to change the words to melodies)

If you gotta go pee pee say potty ...potty
If you gotta go pee pee say potty ...potty
If you gotta go pee pee run and tell your Mommy
If you gotta go pee pee say potty ...potty!!

 But today was not one of the good days and I am feeling like this part of my life will never end.     Even during a late night Body Beast session (I couldn't fit it in earlier) I keep losing focus and wondering if tomorrow would be a repeat of today.  I know many people will tell me that their doctor said that you need to "wait until he's ready" and "he's not old enough" but I refuse to believe this.   I cleaned up more potty accidents than I care to remember.  My life just can't go on like this for another year.  (Lets not even think about how Edie will be at this stage by then!)  It doesn't matter if he is wearing a cloth or disposable diaper he will take it off and enthusiastically says "no" when it's time to go to the bathroom.   Tonight I could not bare the thought of him taking off his diaper in bed and me having to clean up another mess.   So instead, I opened the tool box, took out the electrical tape and wrapped it around him twice.  For now, that diaper is on him good and tight!

Oh wise parents with potty training secrets, what would you do?

Two Ingredient Pancakes for my Two Year Old

I don't know what it is with kids but they sure can change their minds quickly.  For the past year John's favorite breakfast menu has included scrambled eggs served with a banana on the side.  I would buy about 5 pounds of bananas a week (we really like bananas) and I would even have to hide the eggs behind something in the refrigerator because if he saw them he would want to eat them all day long.  I decided that once a day was enough for a 18 month old. 

I guess, for the last month my scrambled eggs just weren't living up to his standards.  He has turned them down every time.  And his banana obsession has reduced to maybe half a banana on most days.  I checked the fridge and saw that I has 2 dozen approaching their expiration date and decided to get creative with these two ingredients by mixing them together.  The result, a gluten free, all natural pancake!  It's the perfect disguise for a protein and potassium packed breakfast for my two year old.  He kept asking for "more cake!"

Two ingredients, one banana and two whole eggs.
Mash the banana.
Fry like a pancake.  It's easier to handle if you keep them small and kid sized.
The result is beautiful pancakes made without any flour.
 Due to the texture, I found them to be a little strange to eat.  But to John they tasted like sweet cake.
How do you disguise food for your little ones?

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

How To Get Your Workout In With 2 Kids Under 2

If you thought Insanity was hard try it with a baby and toddler in the room.  In my three on-going challenge groups many of the participants are parents of young children.  It can be extremely difficult to fit in a workout when you have little ones that need so much attention.  I feel for my challengers who are trying hard to exercise and eat right but are having trouble making it all work.  I get asked often how I exercise at home with the kids.   Here is a list of tricks that I use in order to make sure I exercise 6 times a week.

1. Put your exercise clothes on early.
2. Put then in a bumbo, bouncer seat, exersaucer, jumperoo etc.  and give them a book or crayons and paper.
3  Floor time with toys or play the "Crawl to Momma" game.
4. Set up a movie corner
5. Feed lunch or snacks

I am a stay-at-home mother of a 9 month old daughter and a son who just turned two.  Ideally the best time to exercise is when they are taking a nap at the same time.  I try my best to make this happen daily by putting them on a schedule.  But, they are always changing and many days it just doesn't work that way.  If I can't get my kids to synchronize their naps I settle for just one.  When that doesn't happen and I have two children up I make due because I must stick to my exercise calendar. No excuses!

First things first, dress the part.  Mornings are crazy at my house.  It includes poopy diapers, barking dogs, a nursing baby and a toddler who doesn't like wearing clothes.  After the initial breakfast time madness I put on my athletic clothes.  Even though I know I can't exercise right then I get dressed so that I am ready when the opportunity arises.  This way when I put the kids down for a nap I don't have to spend 20 minutes getting dressed, looking for my shoes or pulling back my hair.

John reading a magazine in the nude
When I started the Insanity program Baby Edie was 6 months old.  She was the easy one.  She would stay put in one spot so I usually put her into her bouncer seat.  Shaun T. and the others on the video mesmerized her.  She would stare at me and then back to the T.V. and was content most of the time.  I tried my best to time it in-between feedings but many times I had to push pause on the DVD to nurse her and change her diaper.  I didn't let it get me down if I had to stop.  I tended to her needs and then made sure I went back to finish the workout.

Edie and Bigfoot helping me do my Brazil Butt Lift exercise
Now that she is older (9 months) she doesn't like to stay in one place for very long.  I let her crawl around and try to keep her occupied with toys.  This can be frustrating because she likes climbing up on things.  Whenever I do exercises on the floor she sees this as the perfect opportunity to climb up on me and grab my pony tail.  I try to keep her in a high chair with puffs for long enough for me to finish the ab workout.  Easier said than done.

If she is crawling around I take her to a spot furthest from me in the room, let her crawl all the way to me and then swoop her up and take her back.  I call this the "Crawl to Momma" game and I try to make it part of the routine keeping my heart rate elevated. 

My two year old John is usually more difficult.  I know that I can only keep him occupied on one task for about 20 minutes maximum so I use different activity stations.  First is the movie corner.  I have a small portable DVD player that I setup and have him watch one of his baby Einstein videos.  When that doesn't hold his attention any longer I move him into the high chair and give him crayons and paper.  Then I feed him his lunch.  All three activities together give me about an hour long workout.  Although, the whole process takes longer than that because of the frequent stops to move him into a new station or make him lunch.

He too enjoys it best when I do floor exercises and sees it as the perfect time to grab his toy Jeep and drive it all over me.  Then, when he tires of playing cars he just lays on top of me.  It's not easy to hold plank with a two year old resting on you.  It is usually at about this time that my dog Bigfoot joins in the fun and cuddles up to me too.  I won't lie, sometimes I want to scream, other times a cry but most of the time it just makes me laugh when this happens.    I am still breaking a sweat and my kids see me trying.  I hope that they too see the importance of my dedication. 
Video of my trying to complete "Tummy Tuck" from Brazil Butt Lift.
Amongst all this commotion I know that I don't exercise to my best ability or intensity but in the end does it really matter?  Whenever I get a chance to workout without kids interrupting me I seize the opportunity and give it all that I have. Sometimes I think back to how is was before kids and can't believe all the excuses I made to not workout.

My next 60 day challenge group starts July 1st.  E-mail me if you want to be a part of a small group of people supporting each other on their fitness journeys.  My current challengers are already seeing results.  You could have your dream body by Labor day.