Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Just use the Potty Already!!

Super cute turtle undies

In our neighborhood the houses are cozy together with young trees in the landscaping.  During the day I leave my blinds completely open to let in the sunlight.   But if you care to look I'm sure you can see right in.  There is no doubt in my mind that the neighbors get a clear shot of my son John, naked as a jaybird, sitting in his booster seat eating his cherrios.

It was a tough day for me.  John, who I fear may be eons away from being potty trained, refuses to wear a diaper or underwear ...or really any article of clothing.  About 50% of the time I manage to keep him in a pair of underwear.  But that's where he draws the line.  At this point I don't even care about how he is naked.  I have lost all energy for repeatedly wrestling to redress him.  I used to worry about what the neighbors would think but not anymore. 

Usually I am more optimistic and I relish the successes that we have had on the potty.  It hasn't been too much of a hassle before.  Since he was 15 months old I would sit him on his little potty, make a "psss psss" sound and he would go on command.  Some days John can go the entire day without an accident and even wake up dry from a nap.  We have a cute chart with stars that he loves, he gets to eat a gummy bear if he uses the potty and we sing a couple super cute potty songs including my current favorite which is sung to the tune of "If Your Happy and You Know It."  (I love to change the words to melodies)

If you gotta go pee pee say potty ...potty
If you gotta go pee pee say potty ...potty
If you gotta go pee pee run and tell your Mommy
If you gotta go pee pee say potty ...potty!!

 But today was not one of the good days and I am feeling like this part of my life will never end.     Even during a late night Body Beast session (I couldn't fit it in earlier) I keep losing focus and wondering if tomorrow would be a repeat of today.  I know many people will tell me that their doctor said that you need to "wait until he's ready" and "he's not old enough" but I refuse to believe this.   I cleaned up more potty accidents than I care to remember.  My life just can't go on like this for another year.  (Lets not even think about how Edie will be at this stage by then!)  It doesn't matter if he is wearing a cloth or disposable diaper he will take it off and enthusiastically says "no" when it's time to go to the bathroom.   Tonight I could not bare the thought of him taking off his diaper in bed and me having to clean up another mess.   So instead, I opened the tool box, took out the electrical tape and wrapped it around him twice.  For now, that diaper is on him good and tight!

Oh wise parents with potty training secrets, what would you do?


  1. Sorry you had a tough day but I smiled at the use of electrical tape! :) How old is he? Grant is 2.5 years and we are working on potty training but he is still wearing diapers. We do an M&M if he goes and are making a potty chart this weekend. We have had a few dry post nap diapers but the one time we tried underwear he had an accident and was very upset so I just don't think he's ready. Everyone says boys take a long time and they are closer to 3 or 3.5 until they get it...sigh....just hope they make diapers big enough to fit by then! Good luck!

  2. Hey Wendy! He is 26 months. Yes this may take a while! We are off to another day in the nude but no accidents yet. :)
