Monday, July 22, 2013

Size 14 to a Size 2 ...WHAT!?!?

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I bought a ridiculously bright orange pair of pants at the Mall of America this weekend.  It's summer clearance time and the bright colors are marked to move.  The large racks at the back of the Gap had all sorts of fun super skinny capris.  The kids were fussy so I quickly grabbed a pair of 6's and then thought "what the heck" and took the size 4's to the changing room too.  I was shocked that the 4's actually fit.  I was just beaming as we left the store. 

The excitement continued the next day and I decided to wear my fancy new pants in New Ulm's Bavarian Blast Community Parade.  I pushed the kids in the double stroller as part of a Mother's of Preschoolers (MOPS) float. 

I couldn't wait to tell my friend, and fellow challenge grouper, Mary what size my pants were.  She said "umm, I think that style is supposed to fit tighter."   What? You mean I should have bought the 2's!  Now that's just crazy.  And she was right because by the end of the parade I was having trouble keeping them up!

How does a person go from a size 14 pants to a size 2 in just four months?  As amazing as that is, it is not impossible or unhealthy and it doesn't happen by drinking a magic potion or taking a strange pill.  It's happens by giving your body the proper nutrients, exercising daily, dedication and the support and motivation of others. 

I was apart of a private Facebook group, or challenge group, of people all doing Insanity.  The group helped hold me accountable and it was fun to hear of each others positive changes and results.  When the final days of the challenge approached, I started feeling sad and decided that I wanted to keep the motivation going by becoming a Beachbody coach, starting a new challenge group and also forming a general motivational group called K.C.'s Fit Club. 

Right now I am forming another T25 challenge group and still have 3 spots left.  On the video there is a helpful person doing easier modifier moves.  It is ok to follow her until you feel more comfortable doing the full move or you can talk to me and I can help you find a program that is right for your fitness level.

My first T25 challenge group started 2 weeks ago and I can't get over how quickly challenge groupers are seeing changes in their body, dropping weight and losing inches.  My cousin Alana has lost 4.5 pound and 4.5 inches and my good friend Jessie said "my love handles are gone."  Sure it's only been two weeks and yes it's only 25 minutes a day but the moves are smart and effective and combined with the proper nutrition found in Shakeology going from a size 14 to a size 2 doesn't seem impossible anymore.  If I can do it, you can do it!
Click here to order T25 and join my next Challenge Group starting on Aug 5th. 
Or sign up for a free membership and let me be your coach for free.

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